City Blogs

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aiyte7327 12.10.2011 0 157

1 Commercial Bank of China: The card costs $ 5 annual fee of 10 yuan / year,jordan rare air, less than 300 yuan collecting small account management costs 3 yuan / quarter, city withdraw money from 2 yuan / T 2 Agricultural Bank of China: The card costs $
aiyte7327 06.10.2011 0 105

33.用耐心把冷板凳坐热――冷板凳都坐过了,还有什么好怕的呢?­ 30.不要独想荣耀――今天独享荣耀,明天可能就可能独吞苦果。【­ 18.不要小看守时这件事――守时是对别人的尊重。­ 11.做事切勿率性而为――率性而为只会害了自己。­ 50.先做小事,先赚小钱――为做大事赚大钱积累经验。­ 49.做乌龟,不做兔子――有兔子资质的人容易骄傲,而骄傲会成为成功路上的绊脚石。­ 14.向不同行业的人学习新知识――记住,要用请教的态度。­ 48.要学会控制自己的情绪――这是成熟
aiyte7327 06.10.2011 0 312